The Cost of Success

The Cost of Success Apologies in advance, I am about to have a bit of a rant! As an entrepreneur, in working with my business mentor I have done plenty of work around how I define success. How I define success comes from my own experiences, my values and what I want for the future. […]

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Equipment Is NOT A Magical Solution!

Equipment Is Not A Magical Solution! Following on from my In Focus Blog last week about quick fixes, I want to discuss how ergonomic equipment is seen as a quick fix and dispel the myth that equipment is a magical solution. Don’t get me wrong ergonomic equipment plays a role in managing work related musculoskeletal […]

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Best Friend or Worst Enemy?

Best Friend or Worst Enemy? Pain whilst working is something you can be in control of, however understanding the way you are working is doing you harm is imperative to changing your pain experience. But before we get into that I want you to ask yourself a question: Are you your own worst enemy? I […]

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Make Yourself a Priority

Make Yourself a Priority In this day and age, we are always rushing, rushing, rushing. Trying to get a million things done, ticking off that to do list, fulfilling multiple life roles… It is a constant juggle. There is just never enough hours in the day. But with all that rushing around, comes neglect. There […]

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Don’t Stop Moving!

Don’t Stop Moving! Have you heard about the 10,000 step workday challenge I am running with my Cath from Occupational Focus Facebook Community? It all came about a few weeks back when I asked the question – “What do you do to remain active during your workday?” One of the responses I got was “10,000 […]

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Don’t Just Stand There!

Don’t Just Stand There! I have seen a few posts recently on social media about people setting up their standing workstations. Firstly I want to commend people for their efforts in attempting to take steps to address the sitting epidemic. Unfortunately I think there is a common misconception that a standing workstation is the solution. […]

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